Hide useless scrollbars that show up on Windows only

Change your scroll to:

overflow-y: auto;

Setting it to auto will display the scrollbar if its needed only, while scroll suggests there should always be a scrollbar.

You can play around with different overflow propertys using this example or read more about it at the w3schools.

Although you could consider using the -ms-overflow-style property, which you can find in the windows dev center:

-ms-overflow-style: auto | none | scrollbar | -ms-autohiding-scrollbar

In Windows, the scroll bar is not hidden automatically. To show the scroll bar only when needed and when the user hovers the mouse over the element, you can use the css shown in the following snippet:

.myContainer {
  overflow-y: hidden !important;

.myContainer:hover {
  overflow-y: auto !important;
<div class="myContainer" style="width:150px;height:150px">
  <ul>hover me</ul>
  <ul>hover me</ul>
  <ul>hover me</ul>
  <ul>hover me</ul>
  <ul>hover me</ul>
  <ul>hover me</ul>
  <ul>hover me</ul>
  <ul>hover me</ul>