Highlight an equation within an align environment with color option

You can just add one more parameter to the macro. Below I have made the first parameter to specify the color -- it is optional and defaults to yellow if not provided as in the first example:

enter image description here


  • The main portion of this code is form Highlight an equation within an align environment, so please up vote that answer instead -- my addition here is just the addition of the first optional parameter.



  % #1 = color (optional, defaults to yellow)
  % #2 = before alignment
  % #3 = after alignment
  \settowidth\dlf{$\displaystyle #2$}
  \fcolorbox{red}{#1}{$\displaystyle #2 #3$}

    \alignedbox{a}{=b} &                        c  &= d \\
                c &= d & \alignedbox[magenta!20]{i}{=k} \\
                e &= f &                        g  &= h  

Another possibility is to exploit the hf-tikz package.

A couple of examples:


     \tikzmarkin[fill=yellow]{first eq}a &= b\tikzmarkend{first eq} &          c  &= d \\
      c &= d &         i &= k \\
     \tikzmarkin{second eq}e &= f\tikzmarkend{second eq} &          \hfsetbordercolor{blue}\tikzmarkin[top color=white, bottom color=blue!20]{third eq}g  &= h\tikzmarkend{third eq}  

which give the following result:

enter image description here