hive regexp_extract weirdness

From the docs it appears that regexp_extract() is a record/line extraction of the data you wish to extract.

It seems to work on a first found (then quit) as opposed to global. Therefore the index references the capture group.

0 = the entire match
1 = capture group 1
2 = capture group 2, etc ...

Paraphrased from the manual:

regexp_extract('foothebar', 'foo(.*?)(bar)', 2)
                                  ^    ^   
               groups             1    2

This returns 'bar'.

So, in your case, to get the text after the dot, something like this might work:
regexp_extract(name, '\.([^.]+)', 1)
or this
regexp_extract(name, '[.]([^.]+)', 1)


I got re-interested in this, just a fyi, there could be a shortcut/workaround for you.

It looks like you want a particular segment separated with a dot . character, which is almost like split.
Its more than likely the regex engine used overwrites a group if it is quantified more than once.
You can take advantage of that with something like this:

Returns the first segment: abc.def.ghi
regexp_extract(name, '^(?:([^.]+)\.?){1}', 1)

Returns the second segment: abc.def.ghi
regexp_extract(name, '^(?:([^.]+)\.?){2}', 1)

Returns the third segment: abc.def.ghi
regexp_extract(name, '^(?:([^.]+)\.?){3}', 1)

The index doesn't change (because the index still referrs to capture group 1), only the regex repetition changes.

Some notes:

  • This regex ^(?:([^.]+)\.?){n} has problems though.
    It requires there be something between dots in the segment or the regex won't match ....

  • It could be this ^(?:([^.]*)\.?){n} but this will match even if there is less than n-1 dots,
    including the empty string. This is probably not desireable.

There is a way to do it where it doesn't require text between the dots, but still requires at least n-1 dots.
This uses a lookahead assertion and capture buffer 2 as a flag.

^(?:(?!\2)([^.]*)(?:\.|$())){2} , everything else is the same.

So, if it uses java style regex, then this should work.
regexp_extract(name, '^(?:(?!\2)([^.]*)(?:\.|$())){2}', 1) change {2} to whatever 'segment' is needed (this does segment 2).

and it still returns capture buffer 1 after the {N}'th iteration.

Here it is broken down

^                # Begining of string
 (?:             # Grouping
    (?!\2)            # Assertion: Capture buffer 2 is UNDEFINED
    ( [^.]*)          # Capture buffer 1, optional non-dot chars, many times
    (?:               # Grouping
        \.                # Dot character
      |                 # or,
        $ ()              # End of string, set capture buffer 2 DEFINED (prevents recursion when end of string)
    )                 # End grouping
 ){3}            # End grouping, repeat group exactly 3 (or N) times (overwrites capture buffer 1 each time)

If it doesn't do assertions, then this won't work!

I think you have to make 'groups' no?

select distinct regexp_extract(name, '([^.]+)', 1) from dummy;


I think it behaves like the java library and this should work, let me know though.


