How can I change the font of layout (XML) editor in Eclipse?

Use menu WindowsPreferencesAppearanceColors and FontsBasicText Font. This is a common text font setting that is applied to XML file editors by default.

I also found this message.

For my Eclipse v4.4 (Luna) installation, the XML editor font size is changed under:

Menu WindowPreferencesGeneralAppearanceColors and FontsStructured Text EditorsStructured Text Editor Text Font.

I had to expand General to get to Appearance... I figured it out in about 3.2 seconds, but just in case anyone wants to save that 3.2 seconds:

Windows-> General -> Preferences-> Appearance-> Colors and Fonts-> Basic -> TextFont -> Edit...

This is in Eclipse IDE for Android Developers v23.0.2. I'm pretty sure this changes all font sizes for everything in the editor.. ? But I'm assuming if you want XML font to be bigger, you want all files to be that font size.