How can I change the timestamp on a file?
Due to William Jackson's answer, I found a similar question on Stack Overflow.
The accepted answer states to use Powershell and these commands:
$(Get-Item ).creationtime=$(Get-Date "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm am/pm")
$(Get-Item ).lastaccesstime=$(Get-Date "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm am/pm")
$(Get-Item ).lastwritetime=$(Get-Date "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm am/pm")
Two examples:
(This one is from the comments:) Set the last-access time for a file aaa.csv
to the current time:
$(Get-Item aaa.csv).lastwritetime=$(Get-Date)
Set the creation time of a file foo.txt
to November 24, 2015, at 6:00am:
$(Get-Item foo.txt).creationtime=$(Get-Date "11/24/2015 06:00 am")
See the answers to this question.
Specifically, this can be done natively with:
copy /b filename.ext +,,
This will set the timestamp to the current time.
Documentation for the copy
command is on TechNet.
The commas indicate the omission of the Destination parameter.
Nirsoft to the rescue: try the freeware tool nircmd. It's a bunch of useful tools in one small command line program. One of the commands allows you to specify either or both of created time and modified time, like this:
nircmd.exe setfiletime "c:\temp\myfile.txt" "24-06-2003 17:57:11" "22-11-2005 10:21:56"