How can I check if a function remains unevaluated?

check if a function remains unevaluated.

Why not just check the head?

func = Log[3 x]^5*Sec[3 x];
result = Integrate[func, x]

Mathematica graphics

If[Head[result] === Integrate,
 Print["it worked"]

Update for comment

Use this to check if result contains Integrate anywhere

func = 20* Log[3 x]^5*Sec[3 x];
result = Integrate[func, x]

Mathematica graphics

If[FreeQ[result, Integrate, Infinity],
 Print["it worked"],

ValueQ should do exactly what you want. From the documentation: ValueQ[expr] gives True if a value has been defined for expr, and gives False otherwise. ValueQ gives False only if expr would not change if it were to be entered as Wolfram Language input.


ValueQ[Integrate[Log[3 x]^5*Sec[3 x], x]]
(* False *)


ValueQ[Integrate[Sec[3 x], x]]
(* True *)