How can I control the minimum number of lines (rows) that should be kept together when a page break is necessary?

You can start wit experimenting with the following code


    \hrule\medskip\hbox to\hsize{\bf #1}\medskip\hrule\medskip
     \def\jkoitem[##1]##2{\advance\jcodenum by1 }#4
     \interlinepenalty=10000 \let\jkoitem=\jkoitemx #4
     \medskip\hrule\nobreak\medskip #3\par}
\def\jkoitemx[#1,#2,#3]#4{\par \noindent{\bf#1}, \ignorespaces#2\hfill #3\par\nobreak
    \advance\jcodenum by-1 \ifnum\jcodenum<2 \nobreak \fi

\jcode[HL7-Path, Name \hfill R/O, Rep\#]
      [{\bf R/0} = Required/Optional, {\bf R} = Required,
       {\bf O} = Optional, {\bf RO} = Required if known, 
       {\bf REP\#} = Repitition, {\bf Y} = entry can be taken from the list,
       {\bf N} = Individual Values, {\bf Number} = Maximum length of the list]
{OID of the affinity domain where the document will be stored.}
{Specifies the human language of the document. Format according RFC-3066.}
{Social security number of the patient. Important: The social security
number will be
identified within the list of patient
identifiers (PID-3) by the OID of the social security association.}
{Patient identifier of the local CIS/RIS/PACS…Important: The Patient
will be identified within the list of patient identifiers (PID-3) by the
identifier type code PI.}
{Family name of the patient.}
{Given name of the patient.}
{Second and further names of the patient}


You can try this in plain TeX. To rewrite this for LaTeX is simple exercise. I'll do not this because I don't support LaTeX.

The paragraphs are not breakable between lines and the last two items plus footer are not breakable too because of the test \ifnum\jcodenum<2 \nobreak \fi.