How can I convert Int32 to Int in Swift?

The error is your ? after valueForKey.

Int initializer doesnt accept optionals.

By doing myUnit.valueForKey(“theNUMBER”)?.intValue! gives you an optional value and the ! at the end doesnt help it.

Just replace with this:

return Int(myUnit.valueForKey(“theNUMBER”)!.intValue)

But you could also do like this if you want it to be fail safe:

return myUnit.valueForKey(“theNUMBER”)?.integerValue ?? 0

And to shorten you function you can do this:

func myNumber() -> Int {
    let myUnit = self.getObject("EntityName") as! NSManagedObject

    return myUnit.valueForKey("theNUMBER")?.integerValue ?? 0

Am I missing something or isn't this ridiculously easy?

let number1: Int32 = 10
let number2 = Int(number1)