QML ScrollView with ColumnLayout

Same problem on my side. This worked for me :

ScrollView {
    width: parent.width
    height : parent.height
    contentWidth: column.width    // The important part
    contentHeight: column.height  // Same
    clip : true                   // Prevent drawing column outside the scrollview borders

    Column {
        id: column
        width: parent.width

        // Your items here

I would go with a plain column and access the desired width property directly by id. As I understand these container elements are measuring their size depending on their content, that might be the reason why setting the ColumnLayouts width has no effect.

This works for me:

    anchors.fill: parent

    Column {

        Repeater {
            model: 4;
            delegate: Item {
                width: root.width;
                height: image.sourceSize.height;

                Image {
                    id: image;
                    anchors.centerIn: parent;
                    width: parent.width;
                    fillMode: Image.Stretch;
                    source: "img" + (index+1) + ".png"

In my case root is just the parent's id. Hope this helps!




