How can I create an array of objects in Kotlin without initialization and a specific number of elements?

The Kotlin equivalent of that could would be this:

val miArreglo = Array(20) { Medico() }

But I would strongly advice you to using Lists in Kotlin because they are way more flexible. In your case the List would not need to be mutable and thus I would advice something like this:

val miArreglo = List(20) { Medico() }

The two snippets above can be easily explained. The first parameter is obviously the Array or List size as in Java and the second is a lambda function, which is the init { ... } function. The init { ... } function can consist of some kind of operation and the last value will always be the return type and the returned value, i.e. in this case a Medico object.

I also chose to use a val instead of a var because List's and Array's should not be reassigned. If you want to edit your List, please use a MutableList instead.

val miArreglo = MutableList(20) { Medico() }

You can edit this list then, e.g.:


If you want list of nullable objects, we can do something like this

val fragment : Array<Fragment?> = Array(4) { null }