How can I create an article with a title like the 1960s Journal of Finance?
Second try
EDIT I have 25 July added
to reduce distance between header and body text.
Here is my second try on this article. As far as I can see, most of the layout is in place, including different footnotes, header and footer, captions etc. What is left is the title page, which is not optimal, and I consider to use the titlepage
-environment instead of \maketitle
Also, the font is not correct, and since I am using KOMA-script, it is not possible to exact the textheight
\usepackage[lf, footnotefigures]{MinionPro}
% Header and footer
\cohead[]{Capital Asset Prices}
\cehead[]{The Journal of Finance}
\setlength{\headsep}{0.25\baselineskip} % Added 25 July 2019
% Title page
% Section
% Caption
% Footnotes
% Maketitle
\setparsizes{\z@}{\z@}{\z@\@plus 1fil}\par@updaterelative
\ifx\@titlehead\@empty \else
% \vskip -1em%
\ifx\@subject\@empty \else
{\usekomafont{subject}{\@subject \par}}%
\vskip 1em
{\usekomafont{title}{\huge \@title \par}}%
\vskip .5em
\vskip 1em
\lineskip .5em%
\titlehead{\centering\emph{The Journal of} FINANCE}
Vol. XIX \hfill September 1964 \hfill No. 3\\[-1ex]
\title{\large\MakeTextUppercase{Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market\NoCaseChange{\\}Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk}{}\NoCaseChange{\thanks{A great many people provided comments on early versions of this paper which led to major improvements in the exposition. In addition to the referees, who were most helpful, the author wishes to express his appreciation to Dr. Harry Markowitz of the RAND Corporation, Professor Jack Hirshleifer of the University of California at Los Angeles, and to ·Professors Yoram Barzel, George Brabb, Bruce Johnson, Walter Oi and R. Haney Scott of the University of Washington.}}\vspace*{-0.75\baselineskip}%
\author{William F.\,Sharp\thanks{Associate Professor of Operations Research, University of Washington.}}
\textsc{One of the problems} which has plagued those attempting to predict the
behavior of capital markets is the absence of a body of positive micro economic theory dealing
with conditions of risk. Although many usef ul insights can be obtained from the traditional models
of investment under conditions of certainty, the pervasive influence of risk in financial trans
actions has forced those working in this area to adopt models of price beharior which are little
more than assertions. A typical classroom explanation of the determination of capital asset
prices, for example, usually begins with a caref ul and relatively rigorous description of the
process through which individual preferences and physical relationships interact to determine an
equilibrium pure interest rate. This is generally followed by the assertion that somehow a market
risk-premium is also determined, with the prices of assets adjusting accordingly to account for
differences in their risk.
A useful representation of the view of the capital market implied in such discussions is
illustrated in Figure 1. In equilibrium, capital asset prices have adjusted so that the investor,
if he follows rational procedures (primarily diversification), is able to attain any desired point
along \emph{a capital market line}.\footnote{Although some discussions are also consistent with a non-linear (but monotonic) curve.} He may obtain a higher expected rate of return on his holdings only
by incurring additional risk. In effect, the market presents him with two prices: the price of
time, or the pure interest rate (shown by the intersection of the line with the horizontal axis)
and the \emph{price of risk}, the additional expected return per unit of risk borne (the reciprocal of
the slope of the line).
At present there is no theory describing the manner in which the price of risk results from the
basic influences of investor preferences, the physi cal attributes of capital assets, etc.
Moreover, lacking such a theory, it is difficult to give any real meaning to the relationship
between the price of a single asset and its risk. Through diversification, some of the risk
inherent in an asset can be avoided so that its total risk is obviously not the relevant influence
on its price; unfortunately little has been said concerning the particular risk component which is
In the last ten years a number of economists have developed \emph{normative} models dealing with asset choice under conditions of risk. Markowitz,\footnote{Harry M. Markowitz, \emph{Portfolio Selection, Efficient Diversification of Investments} (New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1959).
First try
Creating such document is not that easy.
Here is a start using the document class scrarticl
from KOMAscript, because it is easy to manipulate fonts and other attributes.
\title{\emph{The Journal of} FINANCE\\\vspace{\baselineskip}
Vol. XIX \hfill September 1964 \hfill No. 2\\[-1ex]
\subtitle{Capital Asset Price: A Theory of Market\NoCaseChange{\\}Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk}
\author{William F.\,Sharp}
This is a text with a strong meaning.
This is a text with a strong meaning. This is a text with a strong meaning. This is a text with a strong meaning. This is a text with a strong meaning. This is a text with a strong meaning. This is a text with a strong meaning. This is a text with a strong meaning.
Compile with XeLaTeX:
\makeatletter % this would go in a .cls file
\long\def\@makefntext##1{\parindent 1em\noindent
\hb@[email protected]{%
{\huge\textit{The Journal of} FINANCE\\}
\kern 6pt
\makebox[0pt][l]{Vol.\ \fin@volume}\hfill
\makebox[0pt][r]{No.\ \fin@number}\\}
{\thesection. }
\author{William F. Sharpe\thanks{University of Somewhere}}
\title{Capital asset prices: a theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk%
\NoCaseChange{\thanks{Received July 1964}}}
\Date{September 1964}
\textsc{One of the problems} which has plagued those attempting to predict
the behavior of capital markets is the absence of a body of positive
You need a Baskerville font that sports the fancy italic J and T. The one I have has no small caps, so I used another one for the purpose, namely BaskervilleF.