How can I declare an array of variable size (Globally)

Your question has 2 parts actually.

1/ How can I declare the constant size of an array outside the array?

You can either use a macro

#define ARRAY_SIZE 10
int myArray[ARRAY_SIZE];

or use a constant

const int ARRAY_SIZE = 10;
int myArray[ARRAY_SIZE];

if you initialized the array and you need to know its size then you can do:

int myArray[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
const int ARRAY_SIZE = sizeof(myArray) / sizeof(int);

the second sizeof is on the type of each element of your array, here int.

2/ How can I have an array which size is dynamic (i.e. not known until runtime)?

For that you will need dynamic allocation, which works on Arduino, but is generally not advised as this can cause the "heap" to become fragmented.

You can do (C way):

// Declaration
int* myArray = 0;
int myArraySize = 0;

// Allocation (let's suppose size contains some value discovered at runtime,
// e.g. obtained from some external source)
if (myArray != 0) {
    myArray = (int*) realloc(myArray, size * sizeof(int));
} else {
    myArray = (int*) malloc(size * sizeof(int));

Or (C++ way):

// Declaration
int* myArray = 0;
int myArraySize = 0;

// Allocation (let's suppose size contains some value discovered at runtime,
// e.g. obtained from some external source or through other program logic)
if (myArray != 0) {
    delete [] myArray;
myArray = new int [size];

For more about problems with heap fragmentation, you can refer to this question.