How can I deploy a zip file created with the maven-antrun-plugin?

The solution that worked for me (I'm not sure if it is ideal, it seems rather hackish) was to switch to the deploy:deploy-file goal:


and invoke it explicitly:

mvn -U -X -pl projectname clean install deploy:deploy-file

The solution worked for me is to add the <attachartifact> tag after zip creation, filled with the same path and zip filename . So something like:

                    <zip destfile="${}/MyStuff-${project.version}.zip" update="true" comment="This is my comment...">
                        <fileset dir="${}/MyStuff" />
                    <attachartifact file="${}/MyStuff-${project.version}.zip" type="zip" />

Remember that the zip file has to exists, otherwise attachartifact returns "file does not exists" error (consider to use whenempty="create" in tag in order to avoid errors).