Android - How can I download an APK file from the Play Store?

I spent a decent amount of time trying to figure this out because I don't feel like having the "google experience" and as far as I can tell, it isn't possible. I've worked around it:

The F-Droid repository and Amazon Appstore are both reasonably well maintained -- either will manage any apps you install, which is handy. That's where I start.

Otherwise, I track down and download the .apk outside of the google-run market. In many cases the Android market will point you to a developer's web page and contact information -- if they don't publish the .apk on their web page, you can always ask for it.

Two answers worth checking out:

Where can I find open source Android apps?

What are the alternative Android app markets?

PS. Don't forget: to install apps from .apk you have to turn on unknown sources (Settings > Applications > Unknown sources).

PPS. Once you have the .apk on your computer you know you need to turn on USB Debugging so you can copy the .apk to your phone, right? Settings > Applications > Development > USB debugging

There is no easy way to download an APK file. However, redphoenix89 has found a way to download the APK with a Chrome extension. bexton did some cleanups and the result including a guide is available:


The guide mentions that you need to disable SSL warnings, but I could download APKs even without disabling SSL warnings (Chromium 21.0.1180.81 on Linux) An updated version that works with Chromium 23 is available on

After installation and configuration, there will be a new button in the location bar for the Android Market as can be seen below. It even works if you are not logged in on the page itself since you have entered your credentials in the APK Downloader options screen.

APK Downloader in location bar

The Chromium extension is completely open-source (in the sense that you can unzip it and check the Javascript files) and I have not found anything suspicious.

Also note the note on the end of the guide:

Legal Note / Disclaimer

Finally, please note that the use of this Chrome extension is violating Google's Play Store TOS! You've been warned.

As many others have said, you cannot download directly from the market.

Android Phones with Google experience maintain a connection to Google's servers; it is over this channel that Google tells your phone to download & install the APK.

Alternative markets & websites are certainly options - please note it can be hard to determine if the application has not been modified from the market version. You can also use USB networking or wifi. USB networking may require root.

If you have to pay for the application on the market, but don't on the other website, that's a sign that the application is probably not supposed to be there: it is at best an illegal copy and at worst loaded with malware.

(Amazon's "free app of the day" and 'getjar gold apps' promotions are example of exceptions to this.)