How can I find the longest words in the string and return those (excluding duplicates) along with maximum length?

function longestWord(sentence) {
  // First we divide the sentence into words
  var words = sentence.split(' ');
  // We then get the length by getting the maximun value of the length of each word
  var length = Math.max(>a.length));
  return {
    length: length,
    // Finally we filter our words array returning only those of with the same length we previously calculated
    words: words.filter(i => i.length == length)
console.log(longestWord("The quick brown as bbbbbb fox jumped over the lazy dog"));

You may do that with Array.prototype.reduce() by a single pass through the array (without extra looping for calculating maximum length).

The idea is to reset resulting array with a single word, once its length exceeds those that were inserted before or append if current word happens to have same length, or simply pass by otherwise:

const src = 'The quick brown as bbbbbb fox jumped over the jumped lazy dog',

      result = src.split(' ')
                  .reduce((res, word, idx) => {
                    if(!idx || word.length > res.length)
                        res = {length: word.length, words:new Set([word])}
                    else if(word.length == res.length)
                    return res
                  }, {})

console.log({result: result.length, words: [...result.words]})
.as-console-wrapper {min-height:100%}

You could take a single loop approach and check the legth fot each word with the accumulators length of the first item.

function longestWords(words) {
    return words
        .reduce((accu, word) => {
            if (!accu[0] || accu[0].length < word.length) return [word];
            if (accu[0].length === word.length) accu.push(word);
            return accu;
        }, []);

console.log(longestWords("The quick brown as bbbbbb fox jumped over the lazy dog"));