How can I generate a nested array like this one?

Via CellularAutomaton:

ruleFn[{{_, _, _}, {_, 0, _}, {_, _, _}}, step_] := 1;
ruleFn[{{_, _, _}, {_, 1, _}, {_, _, _}}?(MemberQ[#, 0, 2] &), step_] := 0;
ruleFn[{{1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1}}, step_] := 1;

CellularAutomaton[{ruleFn, {}, {1, 1}}, {{{0}}, 1}, {{{9}}}] /. 1 -> "*" // Grid

Edit: For those who really like obfuscated CAs:

  2, {1, 1}}, {{{0}}, 1}, {{{9}}}] /. 1 -> "*"]

...or just like really large numbers.

Here's a recursive approach:

f[1] = {{1}};
f[x_] := ArrayPad[f[x - 1], 1, Boole@OddQ@x];

To apply it and display

f[8] //. 1 -> "*" // MatrixForm

enter image description here

I learned this trick from rm -rf in this post which has a great explanation of a simple recursive function. This f[ ] works for both even and odd matrix sizes.


Simpler way of generating a "concentric" matrix, without having to convert to an image to apply a distance transform:

    With[{size = 11}, 
     Array[Max[#1, #2, size + 1 - #1, size + 1 - #2] &, {size, size}] 
      /. {_?OddQ -> "0", _?EvenQ -> "*"}]

End update

Here's a hare-brained implementation that uses DistanceTransform[]:

First create an image with a single background (value 0) pixel at the center, and remaining pixels all foreground (value 1):

img = Image[SparseArray[{6, 6} -> 0, {11, 11}, 1]]

Take the distance transform with the chessboard metric:

mat = Round@ImageData@DistanceTransform[img, DistanceFunction -> ChessboardDistance]


distance matrix

Now simply use rule-based replacement

mat /. {_?EvenQ -> "*", _?OddQ -> "0"} // MatrixForm

to get the desired result.
