How can I improve font appearance in google chrome?

Check ClearType settings - the Chrome screenshot looks like it's being forced to render non-anti-aliased. That will kill just about any web font, since they don't have monochrome hints (for size reasons among other things). I used to see this reported as "IE renders text better", because it ignores your OS-level ClearType settings and turns it on by default.

All those answers are wrong! This is a big bug in Google Chrome, please see the official bug report/thread including lots of screenshots here: Official bug report on Chrome Code

Currently the best workaround is to simply give your element/headline this simple rule:

-webkit-text-stroke: 1px

Addition from Dr John: I found a suggestion that html { -webkit-text-stroke: 0.25px} would work as well - found it here!topic/mathjax-users/dV_TmJ1QMO4

Chrome is reading your ClearType setting which on Windows XP is switched off by default.

  1. To fix the issue, first close the Chrome browser.

  2. Now right-click anywhere on the desktop and select 'Properties' from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click on the 'Appearance' tab found along the top on the new window.

  4. And click on the 'Effects' button.

  5. The second option down should read, "Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts."

  6. Select the "ClearType" option.

  7. Click Apply & Re-open your Chrome browser.

From now on Chrome will render your fonts nicely anti-aliased for that smooth effect.