How can I include an oscilloscope in my circuitikz circuit diagram?
That's a bad solution. It's not scalable.
Define a new Symbol:
% used to process styles for to-path
% restore size value for bipole definitions
\pgf@circ@Rlen = \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/circuitikz/bipoles/length}
\newlength{\ResUp} \newlength{\ResDown}
\newlength{\ResLeft} \newlength{\ResRight}
\pgfextracty{\ResUp}{\northeast} %ResUp make usable
\pgfextractx{\ResRight}{\northeast} %ResRight make usable
\pgfextractx{\ResLeft}{\southwest} %ResLeft make usable
\pgfextracty{\ResDown}{\southwest} %ResDown make usable
\tikzset{SCOPE/.style = {\circuitikzbasekey, /tikz/to path=\SCOPEpath, l=#1}}
And include it into you circuit with:
\begin{circuitikz}[xscale=5,yscale=3, every node/.style={font=\footnotesize}] %define scaling
\draw (0,0) to[SCOPE, l=CH1, *-*] (2,0);
This may serve as a starting point. The proposal defines a myscope
macro taking two arguments that draws an existing element sV
, colors it white, then draws a triangular curve on it.
\newcommand{\myscope}[2] % #1 = name , #2 = rotation angle
{\draw[thick,rotate=#2] (#1) circle (12pt)
(#1) ++(-0.35,-0.1) -- ++(0.3,0.3) --++(0,-0.3)-- ++(0.3,0.3) --++(0,-0.3);
\draw (0,2) to[L, l_=$L$, o-*] (2,2) to[sV, color=white, name=S1] (3.5,2) to[short,*-] (5,2);
\draw (0,0) to[short, o-*] (2,0) to[short, -*] (3.5,0) to[short] (5,0);
\draw (2,2) to[C=$C$] (2,0);
\draw (3.5,2) to[R=$R$] (3.5,0);
\draw (5,2) to[sV, color=white, name=S2] (5,0);
Slight modification of already mentioned solution.
This version should make the Oscilloscope symbol rotation invariant.
\newlength{\ResUp} \newlength{\ResDown}
\newlength{\ResLeft} \newlength{\ResRight}
\pgfextracty{\ResUp}{\northeast} %ResUp make usable
\pgfextractx{\ResRight}{\northeast} %ResRight make usable
\pgfextractx{\ResLeft}{\southwest} %ResLeft make usable
\pgfextracty{\ResDown}{\southwest} %ResDown make usable
\ifnum \pgfcircmathresult > 45 \ifnum \pgfcircmathresult < 135
\ifnum \pgfcircmathresult > 135 \ifnum \pgfcircmathresult < 225
\ifnum \pgfcircmathresult > 225 \ifnum \pgfcircmathresult < 315
\tikzset{SCOPE/.style = {\circuitikzbasekey, /tikz/to path=\SCOPEpath, l=#1}}
The rotation was inspired by