How can I limit a search to folders in Windows 7?
Ok, I found it. In the widget in the top right of a folder window, you have to manually write:
kind:folders folderName
If this is the only way to do it, I would say they are going back from GUIs to text mode interfaces...
This is progress, after all ;-)
I am sorry if this is not a purely development related topic.
WIN + F; -> in the top right you should be able to create a filter.
For explanation, WIN + F is the basic windows search known from XP and so on. As they removed the dog, they left as hanging without a pet :(!
But win + F brings you too your search (without pet), at the top right you should be able too "create filter" by "Kind" "ChangeDate" "Type" "Size" -> Type should do it, but you have too scrool trough the possibilities.
use powershell which is part of Windows 7.
dir -recurse | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer } | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName }
- recurse means start in this folder and do all subfolders