How can I make a vertical rule that extends to the edges of an fbox?

You can use \smash{\vrule}, but you have to specify the height and depth.

\sbox0{\fbox{some text more text}}%
\fbox{some text \smash{\vrule height\ht0 depth\dp0} more text}
\sbox0{\fbox{some text more deep text}}%
\fbox{some text \smash{\vrule height\ht0 depth\dp0} more deep text}
\sbox0{\fbox{some text more $\int$ tall text}}%
\fbox{some text \smash{\vrule height\ht0 depth\dp0} more $\int$ tall text}


Or you could just use \struts and make all your \fboxes the same height.

\fbox{\strut some text}\hspace{-\fboxrule}\fbox{\strut some text}
\fbox{\strut some text}\hspace{-\fboxrule}\fbox{\strut more deep text}
\fbox{\strut some text}\hspace{-\fboxrule}\fbox{\strut more $\int$ tall text}


one way is to set \fboxsep to zero and than instead \vrule use accordingly set \rule:

\newcommand\VR{\rule[-0.4\baselineskip]{0.4pt}{1.2\baselineskip} }

\fbox{ some text \VR qjf more text }
\fbox{ some text \VR more deep text }
\fbox{ some text \VR more $\int$ tall text }

enter image description here

Looks like a tabular to me.

\documentclass{article} % see
some text & more text\\

some text & more deep text\\

some text & more $\displaystyle\int$ tall text\\

enter image description here

Of course you can adjust the padding.

\documentclass{article} % see
% commands based on
\newcommand{\Tstrut}[1]{\rule{0pt}{#1}}       % "top" strut
\newcommand{\Bstrut}[1]{\rule[-#1]{0pt}{0pt}} % "bottom" strut
some text & more text\\

\TBstrut{2.5ex}{1.5ex}some text & more deep text\\

\TBstrut{4ex}{3ex}some text & more $\displaystyle\int$ tall text & and more \\[0.5ex]


enter image description here

You can make it a command and as long as you have less than 20 rules e.g.

\newcommand{\PartitionedBox}[2][20]{\begin{tabular}{|*{#1}{l|}} \hline #2\\ \hline \end{tabular}}
 \PartitionedBox{123 & abc & xyz}

works. (Thanks to JouleV for suggesting to use the option.)

enter image description here



