How can I make xrandr changes persist?

I created the following file:

/etc/X11/Xsession.d/45custom_xrandr-settings and placed this line into it:

xrandr --output DFP6 --primary

This had the effect of making the correct monitor the primary one, and it launches on login.

Since this is the fglrx driver, you can use the aticonfig command to generate an xorg.conf file. From your xrandr output I'm guessing the command you need is this:

sudo aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=left

If this doesn't give you what you want, aticonfig will automatically back up your xorg.conf file (with a .fglrx-x extension), so you can easily restore the original configuration.

If you don't have any luck with aticonfig, there is a GUI tool configuring xorg.conf called amdcccle (should be in the fglrx-control package).

Run it with a boot script.

Part 1:

Create a directory for scripts... this can be anything and anywhere, just remember the location if you deviate so you can substitute it in.

mkdir ~/Scripts

You can use any text editor you are comfortable using for the next part

gedit ~/Scripts/

Add these to the script #!/usr/bin/env sh xrandr --auto

I use "xrandr -s 1440x900" Save/close the file. Finish up by running the following commands:

chmod +x ~/Scripts/
sudo ln -s ~/Scripts/ /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45setoutput

"reboot" may need replaced with "shutdown -r now"

When the system boots, your settings should have run, making them now persistent as long as the script exists.

Thanks in part to "xenopeek" for their post on Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:02 am at Linuxmint which provided directions for doing this with "xrandr --output VGA-0 --primary". Same base concept/script even if the command changed slightly.


