How can I put more space between bibliography entries (biblatex)

increase one of the lengths:

\bibitemsep length between two different entries, preset to \itemsep

\bibnamesep length between two entries of different authors

\bibinitsep length between two entries of authors with different first letter

For example, if you want to increase the \bibitemsep by 50%, you could use:


I've used the answer given by Herbert, but it didn't work for me. This could be probably due to the recent update of biber to v2.4 (March 2016).

Hereby, I propose an alternative that worked for me (i.e. introducing a space between the bibentries in the list):


You've to put this in the preamble right after \usepackage{biblatex}

I've used the answer given by Herbert, but it didn't work for me too. It was because {1.5\itemsep} is the default size. \setlength\bibitemsep{5\itemsep} produced what I wanted to.