How can I suppress zero or nonzero values in a matrix?
You can also use MapAt
with Invisible
or Style[#,White]&
f1 = MatrixForm[MapAt[Invisible, #, Position[#, Except[#2], {2}, Heads->False]]] &;(*or*)
f1 = MatrixForm[MapAt[Style[#,White]&, #, Position[#, Except[#2], {2}, Heads->False]]] &;
m = RandomInteger[5, {5, 5}];
Row[Prepend[f1[m, #] & /@ {1, 2, 1 | 2}, MatrixForm[m]], Spacer[5]]
Update: Using Manipulate
to toggle the elements to show:
mf1 = Manipulate[f1[#, Alternatives @@ show] // Style[#, 20] &,
{{show, {1}}, Union@Flatten@#, TogglerBar}, Alignment -> Center] &;
m = RandomChoice[Range[0, 20], {5, 10}];
f[x_List, n_] := (x /. y_ /; y != n -> " ") // MatrixForm
f[{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}}, 7]
If you need to display only elements in list n
, then use:
g[x_List, n_List] := x /. y_ /; (MemberQ[Complement[Flatten[x], n], y]) -> " " //
g[{{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}}, {3,7}]
I'm sure there's a more elegant way to do this last transformation, but the obvious ones involving !MemberQ[n,y]
or FreeQ[n,y]
somehow didn't work.
Here's a variation you might find useful:
fn[a_?ArrayQ, x_] :=
Replace[a, p : Except[x] :> Style[p, White], {ArrayDepth@a}] // MatrixForm
fn[IdentityMatrix[3], 1]
But because the non-selected elements are only styled white they appear when selected: