How can you find the complex roots of i?

If the polar form of $z$ is $$z=r(\cos\theta + i\sin\theta),$$ there are $n$ distinct solutions to the equation $w^n = z$: $$w=\sqrt[n]{r}(\cos\frac{\theta +2\pi k}{n}+ i \sin\frac{\theta +2\pi k}{n}),$$ where $k=0,1,...,n-1$. In your case, $z=i$, whose polar form is given by $r=1$, $\theta = \pi /2$.

Generally, the answers would be of the form


where $\omega_n=\exp\left(\frac{2i\pi}{n}\right)$ is a root of unity, and $j=0\dots n-1$.

Also, observe that if $z^n=i$ then $z^{4n}=1$. Thus, the complex numbers you're looking for are particular $4n$-th roots of $1$.

If you know that the $m$-th roots of 1 (any $m$) can be written as powers of a single well-chosen one (a primitive root), it shouldn't be too hardto find exactly which $4n$-th roots have the desired property.