How do I deal with very long section title shown in page header?
I do not what is the appropriate short title, but some like this solve the problem:
\chapter[Yang Mills Theories]
{Asymptotic Behaviour of Supersymmetric
Yang Mills Theories in The Two
Loop Approximation}
All sectioning commands (\chapter
, etc.) have this optional argument that is used in headers and table of contents.
Edit: The automatic truncation at some length in general is not a good idea for short titles, as usually this could left a string with no meaning. What if the key words of the chapter title are not "Asymptotic Behaviour" but "Loop Approximation" ? And what if the truncation left a incomplete word as "Asymptotic Behaviour of Super"... What "Super", maybe Superman? Do you really want a table of contents with truncated titles?
However, if that is no problem for you, this is an automatic solution using xtring
\fancyhead[LE, RO]{\scriptsize \slshape \rightmark}
\fancyhead[RE, LO]{\scriptsize \slshape \leftmark}
\fancyfoot[R]{\scriptsize \thepage}
\mychapter{Asymptotic Behaviour of Supersymmetric Yang Mills
Theories in The Two Loop Approximation}
\section{Calculation of $\beta \left( g \right)$}
I have found a package truncate
that does this! Here is how
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\documentclass[UTF8, english]{book}
\usepackage[fit, breakall]{truncate}
\fancyhead[LE, RO]{\tiny \truncate{0.47 \textwidth} \leftmark}
\fancyhead[RE, LO]{\tiny \truncate{0.47 \textwidth} \rightmark}
\chapter{Asymptotic Behaviour of Supersymmetric Yang Mills Theories in The Two Loop Approximation}
\section{Calculation of $\beta \left( g \right)$ and a lot more text over here which to too long to show}
There are two more pieces of detail to be noticed.
- Package
has to be included with optionbreakall
, which allows truncation at any character. If not, the truncation would only happen at the end of words or hyphenation points, which could affect the positioning of header. - Package
has to be included with optionfit
, which prints the output in its natural position.
Here is the output