How do I define a right arrow with bar in LaTeX?

The stmaryrd font has \mapsfromchar:




$a\Rightarrowbar b$

$a\Leftarrowbar b$


enter image description here

If stmaryrd is not an option for you, it's possible to reflect \mapstochar:





$a\Rightarrowbar b$

$a\Leftarrowbar b$


Something like this?




$ A \myRightarrow B$


enter image description here

Edit: If you want the final bar to have the same width as the \Rightarrow, you can use two consecutive | with some kerning between them:

\newcommand{\myvarRightarrow}{\mathrel{{ =⇒ }\!\vcenter{\hbox{$ \scriptscriptstyle|\mkern-5.4mu|$}}}}

enter image description here

One can always build a symbol by himself (thanks to samcarter, this is a scalable version):

$1\yoursymbol2$ {\Huge $1\yoursymbol2$}

enter image description here

Caution: This doesn't work in subscript. I'm trying to find some solution...