How do I do a one-shot MathOperator?

You are looking for \mathop: , for example \mathop{\sum \sum}_{i,j=1}^{N} a_i a_j.

If you really want to do exactly what amsmath does then \operatorname is a better choice.

You can go back to the TeXbook and do it the Knuth way, using \mathop

\def\limsup{\mathop{\overline{\rm lim}}}



If you really only want a one shot, you can type:


I would rather have something like:



One can extend the command \oneshot to the \nolimits version for consistency. Why I prefer a two shot approach i.e, defining it first and then using it, is that good software practice dictates that you should try and re-use code. You could stick the command in your master style file, if you have one. It will also with a shorter name make reading the LaTeX source easier.

Would you really use an operator only once in a mathematics write-up?