How do I keep questions from splitting between pages in exam?

The answer How to prevent page breaks in lists? ("Exam" class) by @Mico is only for protecting the choices in a multiple-choice list, not the entire question. It still allows page breaks between a question prompt and its list of options. To avoid that, just define a new environment (shown here for multiple choice):

% \pointsinmargin % Not compatible with the minipaging of multichoice questions
\newenvironment{mcquestion}[3]{    \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}    \question[#1][#2] #3    \begin{choices}}{ \end{choices} \end{minipage}}


\begin{mcquestion}{1}{2 min}{Foodle:}
\choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \end{mcquestion}
\begin{mcquestion}{1}{2 min}{Foodle:}
\choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \end{mcquestion}
\begin{mcquestion}{1}{2 min}{Foodle:}
\choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \choice fish A    \end{mcquestion}


This now protects the whole question from breaking.

Note: one problem with the above is that if I want to use the \pointsinmargin option, they overwrite the question number. But I'm unable to apply @Mico's code to an environment (multichoice) in the way he does. Using the following (and multichoice environment instead of mcquestion) does not compile:

\begin{choices}}{ \end{choices} 
   \if@correctchoice \endgroup \fi%