How do I pipe something from the command line to a new Github gist?
Try this gem:
Worked for me ^_^
Seems like GitHub has a simple REST API, including methods for creating Gists. Just for fun:
$ curl -X POST \
--data-binary '{"files": {"file1.txt": {"content": "Hello, SO"}}}' \
This successfully created this Gist. I guess it's enough to get you started.
Here's a simple bash script that takes a filename and makes it a gist.
function msg() {
echo -n '{"description":"","public":"false","files":{"file1.txt":{"content":"'
awk '{gsub(/"/,"\\\""); printf "%s\\n",$0}' "$1"
echo '"}}'
[ "$#" -ne 1 ] && echo "Syntax: filename" && exit 1
[ ! -r "$1" ] && echo "Error: unable to read $1" && exit 2
msg "$1" | curl -v -d '@-'
FYI: gist replies with the post body, so if the file is big, perhaps grep just the relevant parts of the reply.