How do I remove the last characters from a string?

To remove everything from after the last _ in var and assign the result to var2:


The parameter expansion ${parameter%word} removes the pattern word (_* in this case) from the end of the value of the given variable.

The POSIX standard calls this a "Remove Smallest Suffix Pattern" parameter expansion.

To remove the last underscore and the 10 characters after it, use


To remove characters corresponding to a date string such as the one in your example, use


Which pattern you use depends on how carefully you want to perform the match.

You actually want to remove the trailing 11 characters from the string; here's another way to do it:

$ var=type_cardio_10-11-2017
$ var2=${var%???????????}
$ echo "$var2"

Another approach in bash:

echo "${var::-10}"

Or in older versions:

echo "${var::${#var}-10}" #or
echo "${var: : -10}"