How do I replace a specific occurrence of a string in a string?

This will only replace the second instance of title1 (and any subsequent instances) after the first:

string output = Regex.Replace(input, @"(?<=title1.*)title1", "title2");

However, if there are more than 2 instances, it may not be what you want. It's a little crude, but you can do this to handle any number of occurrences:

int i = 1;
string output = Regex.Replace(input, @"title1", m => "title" + i++);

You can use the regex replace MatchEvaluator and give it a "state":

string callingURL = @"server/api/shows?title1=its always sunny in philadelphia&title1=breaking bad";

int found = -1;
string callingUrl2 = Regex.Replace(callingURL, "title1=", x =>
    return found == 1 ? "title2=" : x.Value;

The replace can be one-lined by using the postfixed ++ operator (quite unreadable).

string callingUrl2 = Regex.Replace(callingURL, "title1=", x => found++ == 1 ? "title2=" : x.Value);

Here is a C# extension method I created for a similar task that may come in handy.

internal static class ExtensionClass
    public static string ReplaceNthOccurrence(this string obj, string find, string replace, int nthOccurrence)
        if (nthOccurrence > 0)
            MatchCollection matchCollection = Regex.Matches(obj, Regex.Escape(find));
            if (matchCollection.Count >= nthOccurrence)
                Match match = matchCollection[nthOccurrence - 1];
                return obj.Remove(match.Index, match.Length).Insert(match.Index, replace);
        return obj;

Then you can use it with the following example.

"computer, user, workstation, description".ReplaceNthOccurrence(",", ", and", 3)

Which will produce the following.

"computer, user, workstation, and description"


"computer, user, workstation, description".ReplaceNthOccurrence(",", " or", 1).ReplaceNthOccurrence(",", " and", 2)

Will produce the below.

"computer or user, workstation and description"

I hope this helps someone else who had the same question.



