How do I reset my sidekiq counters?
Also, to reset specific days in the history panel, you can do:
Sidekiq.redis {|c| c.del('stat:processed:2015-07-02') }
Sidekiq.redis {|c| c.del('stat:failed:2015-07-02') }
And repeat for each day you want to clear.
This is useful if you had a wild job spawning and failing many times more than your usual and you get a history graph with a massive spike in it that makes all your usual history values effectively a flat line.
To reset processed jobs:
Sidekiq.redis {|c| c.del('stat:processed') }
and to reset failed jobs:
Sidekiq.redis {|c| c.del('stat:failed') }
To reset statistics:
ref: Add reset stats to Web UI summary box and method to API
Also, you can now clear specific stats:
- single stat by'failed')
- or multiple stats by'failed', 'processed')
(Thanks for update)