How do I resize the active window to 50% with wmctrl?
I got the answer here.
this would be the script to maximize it to the right half of the screen:
# resizes the window to full height and 50% width and moves into upper right corner
#define the height in px of the top system-bar:
#sum in px of all horizontal borders:
# get width of screen and height of screen
SCREEN_WIDTH=$(xwininfo -root | awk '$1=="Width:" {print $2}')
SCREEN_HEIGHT=$(xwininfo -root | awk '$1=="Height:" {print $2}')
# new width and height
# X, change to move left or right:
# moving to the right half of the screen:
X=$(( $SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 ))
# moving to the left:
wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,$X,$Y,$W,$H
To move to the left, just change the X-Line to X=0
. (If you use Ubuntu Unity, you need to adapt RIGHTMARGIN too I use RIGHTMARGIN=102
defining the right margins this solves the bug, that the second time you call it, it moved to the very top of the screen, ignoring the top-toolbar.