How do I run a specific goal with a particular configuration in a Maven plugin when I have several configurations for that goal

Execution of multiple goals from the CLI is now supported in Maven 3.3.1+

mvn exec:java@first-cli
mvn exec:java@second-cli

Where first-cli/second-cli are the execution ids.

I can do mvn myplugin:myGoalWhich runs myGoal (both executions I suppose)

None of them (assuming they had unique id). Executions are bound to a phase, you need to run the given phase to trigger them.

I know I can add an id to the execution element, but how do I refer to that id on the command line.

Not supported. What is possible for plugins invoked on the CLI is to define a non global configuration in the POM using the special default-cli executionId, like this:


Is this possible, or am I going about this the wrong way?

No, not possible. Either pass the parameters on the command line or use profiles (with or without the above default execution).


  • Default Plugin Execution IDs

Hey you can create your goal like this:-

org.myplugin:myplugin-maven-plugin:1.1.1:myGoal  i.e

It works in my case ...