How do I run bibtex after using the -output-directory flag with pdflatex, when files are included from subdirectories?

Ok I finally figured it out (not sure if this is documented somewhere already):

I needed to explicitly create directories within out having the same name as the directories I include files from. Then, I need to be in the out directory when running bibtex. Furthermore, the bibtex file needs to be manually copied to the out directory. Finally, I run pdflatex a second time from the top-level directory, again with the -output-directory flag.

In summary (starting in the directory containing parent.tex):

  1. mkdir out/include
  2. pdflatex -output-directory=out parent.tex
  3. cp mybib.bib out
  4. cd out ; bibtex parent
  5. cd .. ; pdflatex -output-directory=out parent.tex

(and maybe you need to run pdflatex again, depending on what packages you're using...)

You can use environment variable TEXMFOUTPUT to specify output directory for bibtex files. In your case, you can create makefile like:

    mkdir out -p
    pdflatex -output-directory out parent.tex
    TEXMFOUTPUT="out:" bibtex out/parent
    pdflatex -output-directory out parent.tex
    pdflatex -output-directory out parent.tex

Consider more complicated variant where you have your source files in subdirectory src. Then you will use also variable BIBINPUTS to specify locations of your *.bib files and BSTINPUTS to specify location of your *.bst files (bibliography style). Then the makefile could look like this:

    mkdir out -p
    TEXINPUTS="src:" pdflatex -output-directory out src/parent.tex
    BIBINPUTS="src:" BSTINPUT="out:" TEXMFOUTPUT="out:" bibtex out/parent
    TEXINPUTS="src:" pdflatex -output-directory out src/parent.tex
    TEXINPUTS="src:" pdflatex -output-directory out src/parent.tex

If you are using TexStudio, there is a simple way to do it. In Preferences/Commands, you can add to the BibTeX line build/%.aux if your output folder for PdfLaTeX is named build.

This is working for me with my_bibliography.bib in the same folder as my LaTeX files and using the following at the end of my LaTeX file.


I guess you can find similar settings for other editors/compilers.

Hope this helps !