How do I see stdout when running Django tests?

Checked TEST_RUNNER in, it's using a project-specific runner that calls out to Nose. Nose has the -s option to stop it from capturing stdout, but if I run:

./ test -s captures it first and throws a "no such option" error. The help for doesn't mention this, but I found that if I run:

./ test -- -s

it ignores the -s and lets me capture it on the custom runner's side, passing it to Nose without a problem.

Yeah, this issue is caused by NoseTestSuiteRunner. Adding -- -s is tricky and not the best solution. Try to add the following lines in the

NOSE_ARGS = ['--nocapture',

This solved my problems.

Using current versions of all the relevant packages (Django==1.11.2, django-nose==1.4.5 and nose==1.3.7) it is sufficient to add the --nocapture flag when running your tests. Thus a simple

./ test --nocapture

will suffice.

Granted of course that you have

TEST_RUNNER = "django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner"

in your