How do I show reference count in Visual Studio Code?

This feature is called CodeLens.

In Visual Studio find it in menu OptionsText EditorAll languagesCodeLens.

And in Visual Studio Code it is in menu FilePreferencesSettings → "editor.codeLens": true

Visual Studio Code version 1.28.2:

You need to add this to User Settings:

Menu FilePreferencesSettings:

"typescript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": true,

The menu structure ususally changes during years. So in VSCode v.1.43 please follow the next steps:

  1. Click Gear icon and go to Settings

enter image description here

  1. In the "Settings" window in the input field type "reference", click "User" tab, under "Extensions" click "Typescript" and find "Reference Code Lens" checkboxes for javascript/typescript.

enter image description here

Checking/unchecking checkboxes will automatically apply your changes.