How do I split a huge text file in python

Check out os.stat() for file size and file.readlines([sizehint]). Those two functions should be all you need for the reading part, and hopefully you know how to do the writing :)

As an alternative method, using the logging library:

>>> import logging.handlers
>>> log = logging.getLogger()
>>> fh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler("D://filename.txt", 
     maxBytes=2**20*100, backupCount=100) 
# 100 MB each, up to a maximum of 100 files
>>> log.addHandler(fh)
>>> log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
>>> f = open("D://biglog.txt")
>>> while True:

Your files will appear as follows:

filename.txt (end of file)
filename.txt.10 (start of file)

This is a quick and easy way to make a huge log file match your RotatingFileHandler implementation.

linux has a split command

split -l 100000 file.txt

would split into files of equal 100,000 line size