How do I tell where the user's home directory is, in Dart?
Identify the OS then use the designated environment variable for that particular OS. You can read the OS/environment variables from platform. For e.g. :
OS : String os = Platform.operatingSystem;
Various checks likeisLinux
are givenMap<String, String> envVars = Platform.environment;
An example:
import 'dart:io' show Platform, stdout;
void main() {
String os = Platform.operatingSystem;
String home = "";
Map<String, String> envVars = Platform.environment;
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
home = envVars['HOME'];
} else if (Platform.isLinux) {
home = envVars['HOME'];
} else if (Platform.isWindows) {
home = envVars['UserProfile'];
Home dirs taken from here :
I don't have access to a windows machine, but I found this logic in pub:
if (Platform.environment.containsKey('PUB_CACHE')) {
cacheDir = Platform.environment['PUB_CACHE'];
} else if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
var appData = Platform.environment['APPDATA'];
cacheDir = path.join(appData, 'Pub', 'Cache');
} else {
cacheDir = '${Platform.environment['HOME']}/.pub-cache';
Looks like for Linux and Mac, we can do:
For Windows, it's better to find a location inside of Platform.environment['APPDATA']
This will do:
String get userHome =>
Platform.environment['HOME'] ?? Platform.environment['USERPROFILE'];