How do I traverse and search a python dictionary?

This is an old question but still a top google result, so I'll update:

A friend and myself published a library to solve (very nearly) this exact problem. dpath-python (no relation to the perl dpath module which does similar things).

All you would need to do is something like this:

$ easy_install dpath
>>> import dpath.util
>>> results = []
>>> for (path, value) in, "*/attrs/entity/4130*", yielded=True):
>>> ... parent ="/".join(path.split("/")[:-2])
>>> ... results.append(parent)

... that would give you a list of all the dictionary objects that matched your search, i.e., all the objects that had (key = 4130*). The parent bit is a little janky, but it would work.

If you want to solve the problem in a general way, no matter how many level of nesting you have in your dict, then create a recursive function which will traverse the tree:

def traverse_tree(dictionary, id=None):
    for key, value in dictionary.items():
        if key == 'id':
            if value == id:
                print dictionary
             traverse_tree(value, id)

>>> traverse_tree({1: {'id': 2}, 2: {'id': 3}}, id=2)
{'id': 2}

This kind of problem is often better solved with proper class definitions, not generic dictionaries.

class ProperObject( object ):
    """A proper class definition for each "attr" dictionary."""
    def __init__( self, path, attrDict ):
        self.path= path
        self.__dict__.update( attrDict )
    def __str__( self ):
        return "path %r, entity %r, hash %r, id %r" % (
            self.path, self.entity, self.hash, )

masterDict= {} 
def builder( path, element ):
    masterDict[path]= ProperObject( path, element )

# Use the Visitor to build ProperObjects for each "attr"
walkDict( myDict, builder )

# Now that we have a simple dictionary of Proper Objects, things are simple
for k,v in masterDict.items():
    if == '4130-2-2':
        print v

Also, now that you have Proper Object definitions, you can do the following

# Create an "index" of your ProperObjects
import collections
byId= collections.defaultdict(list)
for k in masterDict:
    byId[masterDict[k].id].append( masterDict[k] )

# Look up a particular item in the index
print map( str, byId['4130-2-2'] )

Your structure is unpleasantly irregular. Here's a version with a Visitor function that traverses the attrs sub-dictionaries.

def walkDict( aDict, visitor, path=() ):
    for  k in aDict:
        if k == 'attrs':
            visitor( path, aDict[k] )
        elif type(aDict[k]) != dict:
            walkDict( aDict[k], visitor, path+(k,) )

def printMe( path, element ):
    print path, element

def filterFor( path, element ):
    if element['id'] == '4130-2-2':
        print path, element

You'd use it like this.

walkDict( myDict, filterFor )

This can be turned into a generator instead of a Visitor; it would yield path, aDict[k] instead of invoking the visitor function.

You'd use it in a for loop.

for path, attrDict in walkDictIter( aDict ):
    # process attrDict...