How do I work with JavaFX in Eclipse Juno?

Great question. I remember having the same problem when I started. Here is a little step by step guide.

1) Make a new JavaFx project (This is actually the same as a Java project, it just comes with a more suitable skeleton)
2) If you're getting errors like 'Can't find javafx.application' add the jfxrt.jar by right clicking on the libraries and select 'Add folder/Jar' You will have to browse to your jdk folder and find jfxrt.jar. Here is where it is located in my jdk:
3) For the third step I suggest checking out this example. This example comes with sample code and I used it to copy and paste till I got a little more comfortable in javafx.

I recommend using e(fx)clipse.

e(fx)clipse is a plugin to assist JavaFX development in Eclipse which will fix your classpath issue and provide you with many other useful features as well as step by step documentation and code completion assistance.