How do you create custom Event in Typescript?

The solution described in the accepted answer gets the job done but for the cost of losing type safety.

If you want to keep the type-safety going I would suggest the following:

Create dom.d.ts file in @types folder in your sources (or configure typeRoots to make sure that TS compiler will look there) with the following:

interface CustomEventMap {
    "customnumberevent": CustomEvent<number>;
    "anothercustomevent": CustomEvent<CustomParams>;
declare global {
    interface Document { //adds definition to Document, but you can do the same with HTMLElement
        addEventListener<K extends keyof CustomEventMap>(type: K,
           listener: (this: Document, ev: CustomEventMap[K]) => void): void;
export { }; //keep that to TS compliler.

This will augment global definition of document's addEventListener function to accept your synthetic event and its typed params.

now you can do:

function onCustomEvent(event: CustomEvent<CustomParams>){
  this.[...] // this is Document
  event.detail ... //is your CustomParams type.
document.addEventListener('anothercustomevent', onCustomEvent);

This way you will have everything typed and under control.

The property name is detail and not details. The correct code needs to be:

let div: any = document.getElementById("my_div");

let c_event = new CustomEvent("build",{detail: 3});

div.addEventListener("build", function(e: CustomEvent) { // change here Event to CustomEvent


