How do you find the namespace/module name programmatically in Ruby on Rails?

For the simple case, You can use :


This should do it:

  def get_module_name
    @module_name = self.class.to_s.split("::").first

For Rails 6.1


Hettomei answer works fine up to Rails 6.0

DEPRECATION WARNING: Module#parent has been renamed to module_parent. parent is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 6.1.

None of these solutions consider a constant with multiple parent modules. For instance:


As of Rails 3.2.x you can simply:

"A::B::C".deconstantize #=> "A::B"

As of Rails 3.1.x you can:

constant_name = "A::B::C"
constant_name.gsub( "::#{constant_name.demodulize}", '' )

This is because #demodulize is the opposite of #deconstantize:

"A::B::C".demodulize #=> "C"

If you really need to do this manually, try this:

constant_name = "A::B::C"
constant_name.split( '::' )[0,constant_name.split( '::' ).length-1]