How do you force your Javascript event to run first, regardless of the order in which the events were added?
We solved this by just adding a little jQuery extension that inserts events at the head of the event chain:
$.fn.bindFirst = function(name, fn) {
var elem, handlers, i, _len;
this.bind(name, fn);
for (i = 0, _len = this.length; i < _len; i++) {
elem = this[i];
handlers = jQuery._data(elem).events[name.split('.')[0]];
Then, to bind your event:
$(".foo").bindFirst("click", function() { /* Your handler */ });
Easy peasy!
As Bergi and Chris Heald said in the comments, it turns out there's no way to get at the existing events from the DOM, and no method to insert events "first". They are fired in the order they were inserted by design, and hidden by design. As a few posters mentioned you have access to the ones added through the same instance of jQuery that you're using via jQuery's data, but that's it.
There is one other case where you can run before an event that was bound before your code ran, and that's if they used the "onclick" HTML attribute. In that case you can write a wrapper function, as nothingisnecessary pointed out in a rather over-the-top toned comment below. While this wouldn't help in the instance of the original question I asked, and it's now very rare for events to be bound this way (most people and frameworks use addEvent or attachEventListener underneath now), it is one scenario in which you can solve the issue of "running first", and since a lot of people visit this question looking for answers now, I thought I'd make sure the answer is complete.
I encounter an opposite situation where I was asked to include a library, which uses event.stopImmediatePropagation()
on an element, to our website. So some of my event handlers are skipped. Here is what I do (as answered here):
<span onclick="yourEventHandler(event)">Button</span>
Warning: this is not the recommended way to bind events, other developers may murder you for this.