How do you get the Bundle Identifier from an application's name in Cocoa?
The following method will return an application's Bundle Identifier for a named application:
- (NSString *) bundleIdentifierForApplicationName:(NSString *)appName
NSWorkspace * workspace = [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace];
NSString * appPath = [workspace fullPathForApplication:appName];
if (appPath) {
NSBundle * appBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:appPath];
return [appBundle bundleIdentifier];
return nil;
For Mail you can call the method like so:
NSString * appID = [self bundleIdentifierForApplicationName:@"Mail"];
now contains
Swift 5.1
import AppKit
func bundleIdentifier(forAppName appName: String) -> String? {
let workspace = NSWorkspace.shared
let appPath = workspace.fullPath(forApplication: appName)
if let appPath = appPath {
let appBundle = Bundle(path: appPath)
return appBundle?.bundleIdentifier
return nil
// For Mail you can call the method like so:
let appID = bundleIdentifier(forAppName: "Mail")
The fullPathForApplication:
/ fullPath(forApplication:)
method has been deprecated in macOS 10.15 - it is unclear what the answer is going forward.