How do you hide the Address bar in Google Chrome for Chrome Apps?
- CMDControlF goes fullscreen
- CMDShiftF hides the navbar
- also worth noting
→More Tools
→Create Shortcut...
creates a standalone Application, just make sure you're logged into the Chrome Profile you want to be active
- F11 (possibly AltEnter too)
Visit the site you want in Chrome. Click the Chrome menu in your browser toolbar.
- Select "More Tools" > "Create shortcut…"
- Check "Open as window", press "Add"
Once you launch from that shortcut it will be a window without toolbar.
You can run Chrome in application mode.
Chrome.exe --app=
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --app=
google-chrome --app=
This removes all toolbars, not just the address bar, but it will definitely increase your real estate without having to use Kiosk mode.