How do you insert a newline after every 80 characters in vim?

  • %: process the entire file
  • s: substitute
  • .: matches any character
  • {80}: matches every 80 occurrences of previous character (in this case, any character)
  • &: the match result
  • \r: newline character
  • g: perform the replacement globally

You can also modify this approved answer to only insert the newline at the first space occurring after the 80th character:


Using regular expression:


Using recursive Vim macro:


qqq  Clear contents in register q.
qq   start marco in register q
79la<Enter> Carriage return after 80 characters.
<esc> go back to normal mode
 @q   run macro q which we are about to create now.
 q   complete recording macro
 @q run macro

