How do you keep the state information of the projects you're working on?

try Notepad.exe, one log document per project. Or use Word. Or a wiki, Or whatever.

the key is not to find fancy software, the key is the self-discipline to keep the log up to date!

I have the same requirements and I have moved from a text file to Google Docs. This gives me a couple of advantages:

  • I can access it from anywhere
  • Simple formatting

I have one file called todo and other files for my notes, usually named in a consitent naming convention such as:


In my todo file, I group by date (when I should work on something or finish it) and prefix them with a 3-4 character code to indicate 'who' is is for. For instance:

. . PROD1: Review code

. . HOME: Go to bank
. . HOME: Send bills
. . PROD2: Write requirements

. . PROD2: Review with team

I only plan for one week out, and keep sections such as "Later", "Much Later", "I Wish" at the end.