How is it legal to reference an undefined type inside a structure?

The parts of the C99 standard you are after are, paragraph 7:

If a type specifier of the form struct-or-union identifier occurs other than as part of one of the above forms, and no other declaration of the identifier as a tag is visible, then it declares an incomplete structure or union type, and declares the identifier as the tag of that type.

...and 6.2.5 paragraph 22:

A structure or union type of unknown content (as described in is an incomplete type. It is completed, for all declarations of that type, by declaring the same structure or union tag with its defining content later in the same scope.

As the warning says in the second case, struct NOTHING_LIKE_xyz is an incomplete type, like void or arrays of unknown size. An incomplete type can only appear in a struct as a type pointed to (C17, with an exception for arrays of unknown size that are allowed as the last member of a struct, making the struct itself an incomplete type in this case. The code that follows cannot dereference any pointer to an incomplete type (for good reason).

Incomplete types can offer some datatype encapsulation of sorts in C... The corresponding paragraph in seems like a good explanation.