How large is the FULL install of TexLive?

Reserved disc space for MiKTeX and/or TeX Live:

Basic Installation: takes minimum of 1.2GB
Full Installation: takes minimum of 4.5GB, but usually less than 5.5GB

Recommended Installation reserves 3.2GB.

I recommend a full installation, so all packages are installed, in case one has no internet connection.

For a full TeXLive:

voss@shania:~> du -h /usr/local/texlive/2016/
4,9G    /usr/local/texlive/2016/

The following screenshot of SpaceSniffer provides us with the details visually.

enter image description here

TeXLive 2020 full installation needs about 7.2GB where

  • Fonts take about 2.9GB
  • Documentation takes about 2.7GB
  • Others take about 1.6GB.

Bonus question: Every year it increases by xGB. Find x.


